Sunday 2 October 2011

DeFiNiToN Of iNtERnEt!!

The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANet. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster.
Today, the Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Physically, the Internet uses a portion of the total resources of the currently existing public telecommunication networks. Technically, what distinguishes the Internet is its use of a set of protocols called TCP/IP
(for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Two recent adaptations of Internet technology, the intranet and the extranet, also make use of the TCP/IP protocol.
For many Internet users, electronic mail (e-mail) has practically replaced the Postal Service for short written transactions. Electronic mail is the most widely used application on the Net. You can also carry on live "conversations" with other computer users, using Internet Relay Chat (IRC). More recently, Internet telephony hardware and software allows real-time voice conversations.
The most widely used part of the Internet is the World Wide Web (often abbreviated "WWW" or called "the Web"). Its outstanding feature is hypertext, a method of instant cross-referencing. In most Web sites, certain words or phrases appear in text of a different color than the rest; often this text is also underlined. When you select one of these words or phrases, you will be transferred to the site or page that is relevant to this word or phrase. Sometimes there are buttons, images, or portions of images that are "clickable." If you move the pointer over a spot on a Web site and the pointer changes into a hand, this indicates that you can click and be transferred to another site.
Using the Web, you have access to millions of pages of information. Web browsing is done with a Web browser, the most popular of which are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The appearance of a particular Web site may vary slightly depending on the browser you use. Also, later versions of a particular browser are able to render more "bells and whistles" such as animation, virtual reality, sound, and music files, than earlier versions.

FuNcTiONs oF InTeRnET!!

-communicate with friends
-search for informations
-buy online
-work from home
-play online games
-download video/music/ebooks/applications
-update your software (driver updates, virus definitions)

Monday 12 September 2011

BuDaX PeRaXx 1sT tImE UaT BLoG!!!

  Assalamualaikummm....dan selamat sejahtera...hari ni kelas computer application bc101....politeknik seberang perai...budaxx dbs1A semester 1 semua kena buat tentang bisness..ala2 carte ja kott..hehe!! sooo.... hari ni...1st time aku nak uat blog....mmg ak xtau nak uat....coz 2 aku x dak blog...excited pon ada....asa cm marahh pon da coz xtauuu nak uat niee.mcm2 nak kena uat....sambil2 kami semua uat blog..pensyarah ada juga mnceritakan serba sdikit tentang blog...apa kebaikann dia...actually bnyakk upayanya.. ak ja xtau....low skit about IT nieee ....takat2 Fb tuuu tau la kottt noehh...heheh!!dlm blog nieyhh....kita semua boleh kenai lebih ramai kwn la.....kita boleh tau...jnis2 perniagaan owg lain...sebenarnya blog nie kita kena bnyak berceritaaaa....xkisah la tntg apa pon...kita juga boleh kenal kan jnis perniagaan yg kita uatt kat owg lain....  sooo....owg lain akn tgok la kalo depa nak ...depa bleh la order jaaa..pas tuu poss....pas tu brg yg kita juall....mudah terkenal la....internet nie kan dunia tnpa sempadan....soo..........saya sarankan kepada budak2 bisnes......kena uat blog...baru owg lewhh kenai dgn lebih dkat dgn perniagaan kitaa...kebanyakkan owg skunk kan dah x banyak menghabiskan  masa di tempat sopinkk...mereka skunk lebih ska beriadahh....mungkin mereka jarang keluarr...soo...mereka hanya beli brg2 melalui internet,,,, nak belajarrr la cm na nak uat blog...nak edit2....kira smbil nyelam minum aiq laa.... belajarr...pas tu boleh guna time nak keja o bisness nanti...sekiann dr saya....asalamualaikum......tengss cozz singgah blog sy..!!!